To Love And To Cherish Is My Solemn Vow Wedding Ceremony

A more Universal and Unitarian tone is found in my reworking of the wedding ceremony from the Book Of Common Prayer.
You can use this rendition for the couple wanting a ceremony reflecting centuries of tradition and yet not specific to a certain religious denomination.
This more inclusive adaptation from the time honored Celebration and Blessing Of A Marriage from the Book of Common Prayer can be used for nondenominational as well as interfaith wedding ceremonies.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for a free download file of this ceremony.
The Wedding Minister/Officiant faces the guests. The Bride and her Attendants stand to the right of the Officiant. The Groom and his Attendants stand to the left of the Officiant. The Bride and Groom stand facing the Officiant/Minister.
Officiant: Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and this woman in holy matrimony. The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and deliberately.
Into this holy union ____________ and ____________ now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not lawfully be married, speak now; or else forever hold your peace.
Officiant: Let us pray,
O gracious God, we give thanks to you for your gift of enduring love and your presence here with us now as we witness the vows of marriage between ____________ and ____________.
The Wedding Minister/Officiant faces the guests. The Bride and her Attendants stand to the right of the Officiant. The Groom and his Attendants stand to the left of the Officiant. The Bride and Groom stand facing the Officiant/Minister.
Officiant: Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and this woman in holy matrimony. The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and deliberately.
Into this holy union ____________ and ____________ now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not lawfully be married, speak now; or else forever hold your peace.
Officiant: Let us pray,
O gracious God, we give thanks to you for your gift of enduring love and your presence here with us now as we witness the vows of marriage between ____________ and ____________.
Exchange of rings
Officiant: To Groom: ____________ will you take this ring and place it upon ____________’s finger and as you do, repeat after me, these words:
The following can be broken down line by line instead of said all at once.
____________, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of God.
Officiant: To Bride: ____________ will you take this ring and place it upon ____________’s finger and as you do, repeat after me, these words:
The following can be broken down line by line instead of said all at once.
____________, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of God.
Wedding prayer
Officiant: Let us pray.
Eternal God, giver of all grace, look with favor upon this man and this woman and give them wisdom and devotion in the ordering of their common life, that each may be to the other a strength in need, a counselor in perplexity, a comfort in sorrow, and a companion in joy. Amen.
The Blessing
Officiant: Most gracious God, by the power of your Divinity, pour out the abundance of your blessing upon this man and this woman. Let their love for each other be a seal upon their hearts so that they may love, honor and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, so that their home may be a haven of blessing and peace. Amen.
Officiant: Now that ____________ and ____________ have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving rings, I pronounce that they are husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride!
Officiant: Peace be with you always.
Announcement as newlyweds
Bride and Groom turn to face the guests as the officiant presents the couple.
Officiant: It is with great honor I present to you Mr. and Mrs. ___________!
The Maid/Matron of Honor hands the bouquet to the Bride. The Bride and Groom walk down the aisle first, followed by their attendants.
Officiant: To Groom: ____________ will you take this ring and place it upon ____________’s finger and as you do, repeat after me, these words:
The following can be broken down line by line instead of said all at once.
____________, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of God.
Officiant: To Bride: ____________ will you take this ring and place it upon ____________’s finger and as you do, repeat after me, these words:
The following can be broken down line by line instead of said all at once.
____________, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of God.
Wedding prayer
Officiant: Let us pray.
Eternal God, giver of all grace, look with favor upon this man and this woman and give them wisdom and devotion in the ordering of their common life, that each may be to the other a strength in need, a counselor in perplexity, a comfort in sorrow, and a companion in joy. Amen.
The Blessing
Officiant: Most gracious God, by the power of your Divinity, pour out the abundance of your blessing upon this man and this woman. Let their love for each other be a seal upon their hearts so that they may love, honor and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, so that their home may be a haven of blessing and peace. Amen.
Officiant: Now that ____________ and ____________ have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving rings, I pronounce that they are husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride!
Officiant: Peace be with you always.
Announcement as newlyweds
Bride and Groom turn to face the guests as the officiant presents the couple.
Officiant: It is with great honor I present to you Mr. and Mrs. ___________!
The Maid/Matron of Honor hands the bouquet to the Bride. The Bride and Groom walk down the aisle first, followed by their attendants.
FREE PDF file of Book Of Common Prayer Wedding Ceremony Adaptation:
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