The Charge To The Bride And Groom is the wedding ceremony element that is directed to the bride and groom and advises them of the significant personal responsibilities associated with the vows and pledges they are about to make.
The wedding ceremony is a joyful occasion and the charge reminds us that it is to be harmonized with seriousness and reverence as well.
Below is the second half of the list. For numbers 1-7, see Charge To The Bride And Groom - Examples Part 1.
Now I ask you, ____________ and ___________ to take into consideration the magnitude and significance of the vows about to be taken. There are many implications involved when two people commit to a lifetime of love. Let us take a moment to reflect on those implications and acknowledge that along with the celebration of marriage there is depth and meaning in the pledges you will be making to one another and it is with much determination, acceptance, forgiveness, respect, loyalty and love that builds the foundation for a strong and enduring marriage.