In this post I give information on how to add the Pin It button to your website. I also provide some free wedding officiant graphics for you to use on your website. Read more to get the free graphics and learn about using the Pinterest Pin it button.
If you are a wedding officiant with a website you should be using Pinterest to promote your business and your website. Using Pinterest can definitely bring traffic to your site. This can result in prospective clients visiting your site as well as visitors that may click your ads if you use affiliate programs or Google Adsense to create passive income.
In this post I give information on how to add the Pin It button to your website. I also provide some free wedding officiant graphics for you to use on your website. Read more to get the free graphics and learn about using the Pinterest Pin it button.
I am posting another complete Vow Renewal Ceremony in its entirety along with some Vow Renewal Certificate Templates designed specifically to go along with the ceremony. This ceremony is the Your Lives Together In Jesus Christ wedding ceremony adapted to be a vow renewal. This is a beautiful Christ centered ceremony that focuses on the couple's
commitment to one another as well as their commitment to love and serve as Christ commands.
Here is the ceremony posted on the blog and below it you will find free downloads for the Word docx file, PDF file of the ceremony and PDF files for the certificate templates....
Click here to view full post and get free downloads. Since February I have been on a health issue journey going to many doctors to try and find out about the source of severe pain in my shoulder and arm. It is a long story of many different doctor visits and many medical tests. I have sought out different doctors in this journey and have finally found some good doctors to help me. Unfortunately I have been told I have cancer. I really appreciate it if y'all pray for me. I appreciate each and every one of my cherished Dearly Beloved Blog visitors. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! Many blessings to you! Thanks again!
Currently I am adding individual pages for the various wedding ceremony elements. I am also posting the Word document version for each list of elements. This is in addition to the already previously posted lists of elements options and examples that can be found in many of the blog posts already posted on the site. You can access each list of element options and the corresponding posts for each element by going to the Wedding Ceremony Elements page.
The new pages I am adding will have the added bonus of the free downloads for each elements list offered in Word docx format. This is a work in progress and thus far I have posted the Greeting, Invocation, Presentation Of The Bride and the Charge to the Bride and Groom. There is also the helpful list of wedding ceremony elements on the index page for elements. The Word docs may be helpful for mixing and matching ceremony elements. You can use them along with the prewritten ceremonies offered in Word format that I mentionedin my previous blog article.
Also on the site is a new Free page that lists all the free stuff you can find on my various wedding websites.
I hope you find these new additions to be helpful. Peace, Love and Joy To You! Avary ![]() In response to a request from a How To Be A Wedding Officiant visitor, I have posted Word document files of the prewritten wedding ceremonies for free download.
You may find the Word document files helpful because you can modify the text and copy/paste in order to create your own customized wedding ceremonies.
These Word docx files can be found at the bottom of each ceremony page. Here’s the list of ceremonies where you can find a free download of these helpful Word files:
Peace, Love and Joy To You!
Here is a beautiful “Everlasting Promise Of Faithfulness, Tenderness and Helpfulness Vow Renewal Ceremony” that I have posted for you in its entirety. I have also posted the free PDF fillable form for this ceremony. And be sure to get the Everlasting Promise Certificate of Vow Renewal template also offered for free download at the bottom of the page. The form and the certificate have No watermark so you can use them for your personal projects, ceremony or small business.
The fillable form is in a nice easy to read printable format that can be used as a script for the Officiant as well as a keepsake for the couple. The PDF is enhanced to be a fillable form, so you can tab to the fields and you only need to enter each field once as the remainder of the form will automatically be filled in. See fillable form help for more info on PDF forms.
There is also a Word .docx editable document you can download for free. The Word .docx file is at the bottom of the page. ![]() As a wedding officiant you may want to offer your services for Vow Renewal ceremonies. Many couples choose to honor and celebrate their years in the sacred bonds of matrimony by having a vow renewal ceremony in which they reaffirm their wedding vows. I have put together the wording for a Vow Renewal Ceremony by taking the wording from the Promise Of Faithfulness, Tenderness and Helpfulness Wedding Ceremony and adapting it to be appropriate for a renewing of vows ceremony.
Compare the original Wedding Ceremony wording to the Vow Renewal Ceremony wording to get an idea of how I made changes in order to transform it.
Read More for the complete Vow Renewal Ceremony Wording, Free PDF Fillable Form and Free Vow Renewal Certificate! If you don't know where to begin when it comes to starting your wedding officiant business, you may want to check out some of the helpful information offered in these pages listed below. Ordination Learn about online ordination and how to become a wedding officiant. See the article > Ordination And Marriage Laws. Another helpful resource is the ULC page that lists Marriage Laws and Minister Requirements by state. Checklist and Helpful Links See the Checklist page and begin taking the steps in order to become a wedding officiant and start your business. The checklist helps you to organize your tasks/steps in a logical sequence and also has links to supplemental information pages and articles for corresponding topics. Use the Helpful Links page to complete even more steps as it provides time-saving links for many promotional tools and resources. You will find links for listing your business with wedding directories such as Wedding Wire and The American Association Of Wedding Officiants as well as promotional tools such as submitting your site to Google Places, Yelp and many more! Ceremonies View and/or download prewritten ceremonies. See the list of ceremonies offered at the Ceremonies Page. There are a variety of prewritten ceremonies, from Traditional and Contemporary to Religious, Spiritual and more! Read about various elements of a wedding ceremony and find a list of options and examples for the different elements at the Wedding Ceremony Elements page. There you will find many examples of wording for a wide array of elements from the Invocation to Wedding Vows and Blessing of the Rings, Exchanging of the Rings to Tree Planting Ceremonies and more! Use the helpful tool for putting together the wording for a ceremony at my Build A Wedding Ceremony website. Simply select your favorite option for each element in the list and submit the form and your completed ceremony is automatically emailed to you! If you complete these steps you will be well on your way to becoming a wedding officiant and starting a wedding officiant business!
Good Luck! Avary Here’s a lovely wedding ceremony that can be used for an outdoor wedding ceremony. It is very earthy and spiritual in its tone. This wedding ceremony wording includes a tree planting unifying ritual that comes after the exchange of rings element in the ceremony. You can download the PDF version of this ceremony for free. ![]() It is enhanced with the fillable form feature and you can type in the bride and groom’s name once and then all the bride/groom fields on the the form are automatically filled in with the corresponding names. This ceremony is nicely formatted for the wedding officiant script and makes a nice presentation to the bridal couple as well. Scroll to the bottom of the ceremony to get the free PDF download.
In recent years it has become very popular for couples to add a unifying ritual element into their wedding ceremony.
As explained in the previous post > Tree Planting Ceremony – Unifying Ritual For A Wedding, the act of symbolically planting a tree is a unifying ritual in which the couple puts dirt and water into a potted sapling container and then later plants the tree at their home.
In preparation for the tree planting element of a ceremony you should have the following items located on a nearby altar or table; a sapling in a pot/container, a watering can, 2 gardening trowels and small container of soil.
The tree planting unifying ritual format can consist of the couple using the trowels to add some soil to the potted sapling. The bride and groom each use their trowel to put some additional soil in the potted sapling container and then together the couple uses the watering can to water the newly potted sapling. While the couple is conducting the actions of the symbolic tree planting the officiant may do some readings and/or there may be music and/or a song performed.
The format options listed below consist of the officiant making an opening statement then a verse reading followed by a closing reading. The opening is a statement explaining that now a tree planting unifying ritual will be taking place. The reading is a bible verse, poem or poignant quote. The tree planting ritual ends with a closing reading that illustrates the comparison of the planting, strengthening and growing of a tree to that of a thriving marriage.
Below are listed some wording options for the tree planting unifying element of a wedding ceremony. Opening Options (Opening Option 1) Officiant: In a further symbol of their bond of unity, _____________ and _____________ will now take part in a unifying ritual of symbolic tree planting. (Bride and Groom begin adding the soil to the potted sapling and after the soil is put in they use the watering can to water the newly potted sapling.) ![]() Some couples choose to have a unifying ritual included in their wedding ceremony. The unifying ritual symbolizes the joining of the two individuals into one. A tree planting ceremony can be very lovely and is especially good for an outdoor wedding. Although the tree is not actually planted in the ground during the ceremony therefore this ritual can easily be done inside as well. The tree is symbolically planted as the couple puts dirt and water into the potted sapling container. Then later they plant the tree at their home or special place. The supplies needed are; a sapling in a pot/container, a watering can, 2 gardening trowels and small container of soil. The supplies should be set up on a table near the altar.
During the symbolic tree planting the officiant may read a special verse or phrases, blessings, prayer or poem for tree planting or a guest might recite a reading. Or instead of a reading they may opt for music or a song to be played during the tree planting. The couple will scoop the soil with the trowels and add it to the potted sapling; then together they water the sapling. Here’s an example of the wording for a Tree Planting Ceremony in a wedding: Officiant: As an illustration of their bond of unity, _____________ and _____________ will take part in a symbolic tree planting unifying ritual. (Bride and Groom begin adding the soil to the potted sapling and after the soil is put in they use the watering can to water the newly potted sapling.) Officiant continues: Let us read from the book of 1st Chronicles chapter 16, verses 33-34; Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! Amen. The marriage of ______________ and ______________ shall be like the trees of the forest; firmly rooted while reaching towards the light… skyward to the heavens, whispering to God their praises of gratitude for the gift of divine love and grace. Together their bond stands firm, yet bends and yields to gusts and gales in order to keep from breaking as their love endures all things. The roots grow deeper and the tree grows stronger; so shall it be with their love. |