The terms “vows” and “ceremony” are sometimes confused and are thought to be one and the same. Although vows are at the heart of a wedding ceremony, they are just one of the elements that make up a ceremony.
The wedding vows are the element of the ceremony in which the bride and groom make their promises to each other.
The Wedding Ceremony is the complete narrative including elements such as the greeting or opening words, the charge to the bride and groom, the betrothal, the exchange of the rings, invocation and more.
To view complete pre-written ceremonies that are formatted nicely to include the wedding officiant narrative and various directives see the Ceremonies and Elements page.
I offer free downloads and printing options for each of the ceremonies for your convenience. You can also buy some of the ceremonies that have been made into PDF Fillable Form format.
There are various styles and tones so check them out. Some are religious and specific to Christianity while others are nondenominational and are more spiritual with a universal appeal, so you are very likely to find something that suits you.